Website Development and Website Promotion Centum-D UI/UX-friendly Mobile App Design Trends & Tools in 2023

UI/UX-friendly Mobile App Design Trends & Tools in 2023

In the early days of the Internet, people thought UI and UX design wasn’t that important; at the time, they were right. In the past, web applications weren’t that complex due to their low popularity and lack of the right tools; everything was simple and static. However, with the development of the Internet, web design has become increasingly important. Websites are becoming more and more complex and dynamic in structure, and users have high expectations when they link to your site. Everything can be done online, and various companies are taking advantage of this opportunity to increase their visibility and UX. Now, UI and UX have constantly changing trends and ideas that positively impact the user experience of visitors. In this article, you’ll learn about the fresh UI design for app trends in 2023 and who can benefit from them.

Why can UI/UX be useful to businesses?

Today’s businesses are, for the most part, digitized. Accordingly, most activities, such as customer communication, shopping, ordering services, and assistance, are done online. In such a case, UI mobile design plays a big role in customer perception. A company has only a few seconds to engage customers and convince them to stay. It is a proven fact that clients leave websites within 10–20 seconds if they do not like something, which directly affects the position of your platform in search engines.

That is why investing in UI/UX design is so important for business because it brings such benefits:

  • Lower costs

Before creating a website, the developer carefully studies the company’s target audience. Based on the interests, age, and other data of potential customers, the developer selects a suitable UI that would reduce the likelihood of product failure. You can ask for help developing a modern, high-quality UI/UX design in Centum-D. Our specialists closely follow new trends and successfully implement them in their products.

  • Enhancement of SEO

It used to be possible to get your website to the top of search engines simply by implementing many keywords, but now it doesn’t work that way. To keep your website at the top, only quality UX will help you.

  • Client-centricity

The main goal of mobile app UI design and user experience is to present complex information as simply as possible. A successful website design increases user satisfaction, consequently increasing your product’s reputation and feedback from visitors. As a result, the loyalty of your customers will increase.

Top UI/UX trends for 2023

Trends in web design tend to become outdated over the next 3–4 years. In their place comes the new, or as they say, the well-forgotten and improved old. Design app ideas

2023 gathered all the best approaches of previous years and, of course, took into account the public events in the world and the behavior of users to calculate what is most relevant for them now.

Dark Themes

A dark theme is not a novelty, nevertheless a very useful feature that every modern company should have. Today, many organizations are actively introducing a dark theme to their websites because. |First of all, it leaves the web platform readable in bright light and, in addition, reduces the strain on the eyes, as it reduces the brightness of the screen. The dark theme is also sparing for smartphones because it saves battery consumption and extends the display’s life.

A dark theme is also stylish and elegant. It adds a fresh look to the website, and when users get tired of a tired light theme, they can easily change it.

Rounded shapes

Today, web designers prefer rounded shapes to sharp ones. It looks more organic and is better to dispose of. It is amazing how such subtleties can form a positive impression of the website. The use of rounded shapes resonates with human psychology, since our brain perceives sharpness as something hostile, and round shapes make us feel safe. Round shapes allow you to draw the visitor’s eye to some important point, but developers should be careful – rounded shapes take up too much space.


Not so long ago, the main trend in design was minimalism: only the most essential functional objects and calming colors. Driven by this approach, developers made all interfaces look alike. When that design bored users, developers began experimenting with visual styles, and eventually, gradient became one of the most trendy styles today. In 2023, the emphasis is on a gradient with brighter colors, giving the interface depth and allowing companies to create a signature color.

Micro animations

Micro-animations can be seen in almost every mobile app design company; they are so well embedded in user interfaces that we don’t even notice their presence. Instead, micro-animations appear in small details, like changing the color of a button after clicking or changing the font size of headlines after scrolling down. Users like this because they like to interact with the site as something alive, and the fact that it responds to our actions positively affects the user experience.

However, please don’t treat it with fanaticism; micro-animations shouldn’t distract the visitor from the main objective. It is important to study the pool of your users and predict what they would like to see in their mobile app.

3D images 

After the emergence of such a phenomenon as 3D, it has never lost its relevance and user interest, and therefore the introduction of three-dimensional elements in web design is likely to be a success. Now, web designers have increasingly begun to process images in more vivid and expressive ways, forcing users to look at them differently. 3D images will definitely catch the visitor’s eye and make them stay. 

Voice interfaces and chatbots

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are gaining momentum and are constantly improving, allowing users to put minimal effort into everything, just as companies do.

Chatbots streamline business processes for communicating with customers, at least at the early stages. Also, they can handle multiple questions at once. Voice assistants, in turn, have greatly improved their services; they can now better recognize speech and help interact with apps even while driving or in other situations where using a smartphone might be inconvenient or dangerous.

Mobile App Design Trends & Tools in 2023

Augmented reality

Mixed reality can create an app with more advanced functionality. In 2022, this trend began to gain momentum, but in 2023 it is predicted that augmented reality features will become a full-fledged part of everyday life. This feature will be extremely useful in areas such as:

  • eCommerce & offline shopping
  • Medicine & Healthcare
  • Construction & Design
  • Engineering

AR mobile app design simplifies our tasks and saves us a lot of time.

Sign in without a password

Actively using social networks and the Internet, we can not keep in memory all our passwords; besides, the constant input of passwords begins to bother users. Passwords can also often be compromised, so this method of logging in is becoming outdated. After the ios app designs presentation of the Face ID feature, android app designs, and other organizations

also began to practice this feature actively. Facial recognition technology will allow you to authenticate with a single click. The fewer users have to wait – the more likely they are to stay at your webpage or in your app.  

Glass imitation

Glassmorphism is a new trend of 2023 that favors transparent and blurred effects, imitating glass. They add depth, sophistication, and importance to your design, great for logos and 3D formats.

Fast page speed 

When it comes to a product on the Internet, every millisecond can be crucial, because today’s high-speed Internet users are not used to waiting for your website or application to fully load and be ready to use. If users repeatedly exit quickly and no longer return to your website, this will also show up on your site in the search engine, lowering your rankings. This is why a fast loading speed remains the number 1 priority. 

Large Typeface

The most trending designs in typography this year include large and bold letters. It allows you to draw the audience’s attention to what’s important. If you add interactive animation to it, your design is truly eye-catching.

Bright, futuristic colors

Some may disagree with this trend because they think bright colors are too overpowering to the eye. Still, using them in small amounts to highlight something critical, such as your bank account balance, can be very attractive and to the point.

It’s worth saying that when designing a website, you shouldn’t use all the trends at once, as it will, on the contrary, overwhelm your interface. Instead, choose a few trends most relevant to your industry to create a modern and fresh design.


The most essential thing a designer should think about during the development of a user experience is accessibility. It is worth remembering that your website will be used by people of all ages, races, cultures, and mental and physical abilities, and therefore you should make your web platform or app accessible to each of them. To do this, you need to consider many details, such as how to make it easy to use for people with disabilities. Don’t be afraid to involve people from different communities in the process. 


In the past, personalization could refer mostly to the development of advertisements and recommendations, but not so long ago, personalization began to be used in the design of mobile applications as well. How does this manifest itself? The app gives users a choice of colors, languages, font sizes, themes, and so on. 


Usually, web designers build a site on an invisible grid, so that all the design elements are even and in line with the lines. However, when something goes on for too long, it starts to get “weary”. It is therefore logical that strict symmetry has been replaced by asymmetry. It appears in floating 3D and pseudo-3D elements, as well as in extravagant fonts. This kind of narration delivers messages to the reader more effectively. 


All new is well forgotten old – the proverb fits this trend as never before. Neo-brutalism takes us back to the past when all figures, elements, and fonts were a bit jagged and uncut.  This trend, though it makes us nostalgic, still has some upgrades that include animations and modern illustrations and text.  

The importance of UI and UX design

Today’s customers of modern companies are most often found online, so investing in UI and UX is fundamental if you want to succeed in your business.

A good UI allows you to succeed in the long run, elevate your brand and understand your audience. By satisfying your customers, you can increase your brand loyalty and the return on your business and investment.


Today’s internet users demand more comfort in the navigation and visuals of websites and mobile apps. To stay at the top, you must keep a close eye on current UI and UX design trends to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

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